Играет Валентин Осипов Играет Валентин Осипов V. Monti. CsardasS. Iradie. GolubkaG. Bizet. Entr'act to Act IV of the Opera 'Carmen'A. Tsfasman. Intermezzo.M. Jarre. Lara's Theme from Music to the Movie 'Doctor Zhivago'G. Dinicu. The LarkA. Grunfeld. Soiree de Vienne. Paraphrase on Themes of J. Strauss' WaltzesG. Bizet. Overture to the Opera 'Carmen'Ch. Gounod. Waltz from the Opera 'Faust'A. Petrov. Melodies from Music to MoviesJ. Brahms. Hungarian Dance №5G. Rossini. Fantasia on Themes from the Opera 'Wilhelm Tell'E. di Capua. O Mari, o MariF. Loewe. Fantasia on Melodies from the Musical 'My Fair Lady'E. Krechun. Moldavian SyrbaA.. Khachaturian. Sable Dance